Thursday, February 15, 2007

Music & Lyrics

Phil and I had a fun, albeit relatively low-key, Valentine's Day!

We decided to go out to eat for dinner, for the first time in a few weeks, which might be a record for us! So we went to the Fox & Hound Pub & Grille (Phil calls it Grill-eh) that opened on our side of town about six months ago. It was "eh". It would have been better with a big group around us watching the Cardinals win the World Series, or something like that. But Phil was super excited about the Hardcore Cider from Sam Adams on tap, so I'm sure we'll be back. Ha!

Then, he took me to Dick's Sporting Goods to pick up new wrist straps for my weight lifting, which seemed weird but I'm glad to have Phil's support on those endeavors. :o) Phil also got me a new teapot since we had to pitch ours because it was rusting after 8 years of heavy usage (we got it for our wedding). The new teapot looks great and works great -- I used it to heat up water for my Constant Comment today!

I got Phil a Chipotle calendar, a book of coffee drink recipes, and a radio-controlled helicopter. I don't usually go crazy for V Day, but my gifts to him at Christmastime were kind-of a dud: the radio-controlled helicopter I got for him then stopped working, so this was a replacement for that one and I got him something for his Gaggia espresso machine for Christmas that didn't work with it, so I got him the coffee book to make up for that dud. He's a good sport!

After dinner and gifts, we went to see the new Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore flick, Music & Lyrics. It was cute! They nailed the 80's pop band music and today's teen star music. Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant actually sang on all of those songs, which is impressive. I got the soundtrack from iTunes to entertain us on the way to Missouri today.

The whole evening was just relaxing and fun! Of course the most fun part was not the dinner or gifts or movie. I just plain enjoy spending time with my amazing and fun husband. He's the best!


Matty said...

Let that be a lesson to you. Your meal proved the 2 great truths of British food.
1. British food sucks
2. Due to truth #1, the best condiment for British food is alcohol.

Matty said...

This is totally unrelated, but are by any chance TiVoing Prison Break season 2? We just finished season 1 on DVD and I NEED to get the second.

Kacie said...

We're actually TiVo'ing Prison Break, but we tend to watch and delete, so we don't have any of it saved. Sorry! Man, it's good, though! Too bad they all died in last night's episode ...

Matty said...

That's not funny, KC! I guess we'll have to wait till it comes to DVD.