Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Thank Goodness the Wedding is Over

This article blows me away. Can you believe the average couple is now spending almost $28,000 on their wedding? With Phil's sister getting married in June and my brother getting married in August, wedding talks mostly have hijacked normal family conversations. I'm just relieved to be married already to the most amazing husband ever who was okay with our less-than-$3,000 wedding eight years ago. Now we can concentrate on blowing our income on important marriage-building things like this:

One for each of us, of course.


Matty said...

I can't remember how much my wedding cost, but it wasn't that close to $28K. I think it was something like $9K(counting rings, dress, wedding and honeymoon); 3 from Sarah's parents and the rest from a stash I had from when my great aunt died.
I tell you that to point out that that we would not have spent that much had it not been for being hugely blessed. Who has nearly $30k to spend on a party and pictures.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think that our wedding (to include the ring and everything) was about $10K...then again, I didn't pay for the ceremony or reception building though.

Anyways, if you haven't gone to and taken a tour of the upcoming iPhone, do it! That thing is so friggin cool. I am seriously going to be looking at getting one even though they are expensive.