Sunday, May 20, 2007

Calm Flushing with Discernment

I just arrived in Portland and have already encountered a couple of things that are definitely different from Colorado:

First, the Sloan Flushmate toilets in the bathroom. They encourage you to pull up to flush #1 and push down to flush #2. Gross, but probably not a bad idea. I always flush with my foot in public restrooms and it was a little tricky to pull up with the toe, but it worked.

Secondly, Portland so far is so incredibly quiet! If you've been to DIA, you know it's loud. With little or no sleep a headache comes on really fast. But, I didn't hear any airport announcement or other noises when I was walking through the airport -- it was just peaceful. Same for the ride on the MAX LiteRail to the hotel -- just a peaceful 20 minutes with 30 strangers. A few people struck up conversations with their neighbors, but even those were quiet and calm.

Hopefully the rain clears up so I can see Mt. Hood before we cut town tomorrow. Portland is one of the cities I'm curious about -- I like it because I think Phil and I "fit" here, but don't "fit" here. The local equivalent to the Colorado Springs Independent was here and I read through it. I think it's hard to see Jesus really working in a city like Portland, but I also think this is exactly where he would be just loving on people and caring for them no matter what they're going through. This is something we talk about doing as Christ-followers today, but I just plain don't do it -- I'm too comfortable in my cozy suburbia tract home with my little VW personal bubble. I wonder if my attraction to Portland is curiosity or God laying it on my heart? Regardless, it's neat to be here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, either way, Oregon is known as the least "churched" state in the union. I lived in WA state for 3 years and enjoyed it, even if it was spiritually challenged. I'd say that the weather in Colorado is better, but actually over the past few months it's felt like I've been back in the NW!