Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Back in Black

Go see Spider-Man 3! It is worth every penny, especially in IMAX. This is the first can't-miss summer movie this year, so get on it. You might want to buy tickets online in advance, though -- word at our local theater is they're still selling out almost every show.

Three is just as good as the first two Spiders. As expected, Peter Parker becomes more torn between being Spider-Man to help others and being Spider-Man to avenge his uncle. There's a great bit in the middle when he's wearing the black duds and having a grand old time dancing along the streets like Adrien Brody in the old Diet Coke commercial. And, he was wearing eyeliner. But it turns out by doing things that just make him happy or make him feel good, he's destroying the relationships with those he loves most.

It reminded me a lot of something our pastor said once a few years ago about how you can gauge whether or not you're seeking God in all you do by examining your relationships. If your community is crumbling, you're most likely seeking to fulfill yourself, not to serve those around you. Spider-Man 3 demonstrates this really clearly (accidentally?) while still being funny and compelling and full of good fight scenes. And there's a great message of forgiveness and commitment.

OF COURSE, you should see it! You'll be entertained to the extreme, as I was (and Phil has been twice already)! If you're going to see only one of the #3 movies coming out this summer, skip that Pirate junk and go see this Spider!


Matty said...

Kacie, thank you for your movie reviews as I have no TV or newspaper to give me the the straight poop. I am still more excited about Pirates 3 since I've enjoyed the first 2 in that series more than Spidey. Just an opinion.

Kacie said...

To each his (or her) own, I guess! I didn't like the first Pirates, so I had no desire to see the second one (so didn't), and certainly won't waste money on the third. I'm an unusual girl in that I have no interest whatsoever in Johnny Depp. I'll take Johnny Drama anyday instead. :o)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review! We'll be seeing this movie fo-sha. It's not everyday your wife says we should go and see a movie (like this). It's usually something like "In the Land of Women"!