Friday, June 22, 2007

The Quilt

So, I know I haven't finished the post-vacation blogging yet and I hope I do someday -- it was awesome. But, since I shared about it earlier, I wanted to share pictures of my final quilt for Heidi and her husband Phil (obviously not the same Phil as my Phil, Heidi's brother).

Here's me with the whole finished quilt:
Me & The Finished Quilt!

And here's a kinda-close-up of the fabric patters and hand-quilting:
Close-Up Quilt

This project (the "Ice Pops" pattern from Denyse Schmidt's awesome book Denyse Schmidt Quilts) has totally inspired me! I can't wait to start on the next quilt project.


Anonymous said...

Do you take custom orders? :) I am impressed at your quilting ability! I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

Make sure you give Matt a hard time for leaving you all for 2 weeks!

Matty said...

Holy Crap! That is one nice quilt. I am amazed at your ability to recreate quilts...that one looks just like the quilt you made during the summer!

Oh wait...this is an old post isn't it?

Sorry, I thought you'd said you were going to start posting again.