Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Festivus for the Rest of Us

This is a special day for us nerds: it's time for Apple head-honcho Steve Jobs' MacWorld keynote speech (10 MST)! I'm not sure what will follow last year's industry-transforming, my-life-changing announcement...

...but, I'm sure it will be cool and innovative, whatever it is. Predictions and rumors are flying. The wait is almost over!

I sent my Phil off to San Francisco this week to enjoy the nerd-fest with his fun friends. He opted to not pay the money to wait outside all night to actually go into Steve's keynote presentation, but he says the atmosphere in general in San Francisco is electric. It's like St. Pat's Day in Ireland ... only it's just MacWorld week in San Francisco. Ha! Hmm ... I wonder how many people in Colorado Springs actually even know the big day is today? :o) Phil and his friends are going to visit the exhibits on Wednesday, so they'll still get to see all of the new stuff, whatever it may be.


Matty said...

I'm going to be honest....my initial reaction is, "sad", but I have to admit that my "child on christmas morning" attitude when it comes to the start of hunting season or something related to it (I think I tracked a pair of hunting pants from Cabela's every 6 feet or so via UPS.com) is equally pathetic. Boys (and some girls) and their toys....

Anonymous said...

I knew about it...and would have to say that it would have been fun to go an experience. It'd be like the conventions I used to go to for work but on stuff that's actually cool!

Did he bring an empty suitcase for all the loads of free crap he's going to get?

Matty said...

Hey, this is sort of unrelated, but I am trying to get in touch with you regarding the new hard drive you were helping order. I checked the tracking info and it showed that the order was voided...again.

We're getting short on time so if you get a notification of this comment, can you try to get in touch with me on skype?
