Wednesday, February 28, 2007


New article this morning from my hometown paper, The Rolla Daily Snooze summarizing yesterday's Backwoods Missouri Terrorist. Here's the part of the article that sums up how nerdy a school it is:

Venkatramolla was supposedly upset after receiving the first two ‘B’ grades he’d ever gotten and falling behind in his classes due to illness, according to a source who wished to remain anonymous.

Wow. Seriously -- they're just grades. And, for most normal people, getting two Bs at one of the hardest, most-respected engineering schools in the world wouldn't lead them to want to commit suicide. Maybe it's an Indian culture thing that I don't understand.


Matty said...

I think Indian engineering students have trouble adjusting to the fact that us Americans are pretty lazy so the competition isn't nearly as fierce as in their home country of 800 million engineers. Now if he was a frat boy marketing major...

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you grew up so close to Cuba AND Lebanon. You must speak a lot of languages. Hey, have you ever heard of Kanakuk? I was a counselor there (Branson) summer of '98.

I never stressed over my grades...because in the end they really don't matter. Not once have I ever had to show my grades for a job application. "I'm sorry, but you got 2 B's back in high school, so we can't honor your medical and law degrees Dr. Sudduth". You know what though...2 B's in a school like that probably means you've just dropped one spot from the 100th to the 66th percentile... (get my joke?) Hehehe.

Thanks for checking out the house. We'll have to have everyone over if we git 'r done.

Kacie said...

Don't forget about Mexico just up the road, too! I do know Kanakuk! My brother worked there, too, I think during the summer of '96.

Not only have I never had to show my grades for a job application, I don't remember ever even getting a single question about my education in a job interview. Ever. Not even the first job I had out of college. Poor college students -- they just need someone to tell them that there are more important things in life.